Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Syneresis vs. Curdling

Syneresis vs. Curdling

What is the difference between Syneresis and curdling?

Syneresis: “weeping”; water freed from a cooked, cooled starch gel caused by retrogradation; separation of a liquid from a gel upon standing
Curdling: Separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps.

Which dessert sauces could experience Syneresis and curdling?

Foods such as custards, melting chocolate sauce, and egg products used for crèmes can experience Syneresis and curdling.

What steps are taken to prevent Syneresis and curdling?

Curdling can be prevented by heating the product at a low heat and having patience.

For Syneresis, one way to prevent is to change the starches or add more starch. Cooling a product too fast or too slow can also caused Syneresis.

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