Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lab 4: Burgers

Lab 4: "The Italian"

                                                                     Describe your burger. What makes it unique?

Our burger was the combination of two cultures: American and Italian. For the burger itself, we used Italian seasoned sausage meat, freshly chopped basil, and stuffed it with mozzarella cheese. To give it even more Italian flavor, we made a fresh tomato topping instead of the original ketchup. It included: diced tomatoes, fresh basil, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. Our burger was unique because it mixed two cultures: the American burger with and Italian taste! It also had a fresh and natural taste to it—which is different than some burgers, when some burgers tend to be heavy and greasy.

Explain your marketing plan in detail. Include a picture of your burger and one of you marketing strategies.

1.      Research the Product:
a.       Before coming up with the idea of the Italian burger, I looked up many different recipes for Italian sandwiches. I found a couple good recipes, picked out the best ingredients, and combined them to make up the burger! I also got the idea of the fresh tomato topping instead of a sauce from one recipe!
2.      Establish Objectives:
a.       Our goal was to make a different style of burger with a fresh taste!
b.      Keep with the Italian theme.
3.      Develop a market strategy:
a.       To achieve this goal of the fresh Italian burger, we used mainly fresh ingredients.
4.      Implement an Action Plan:
a.       We put it all together to make our Italian burger!
5.      Evaluate/Modify the Action Plan:
a.       After cooking our Italian burger, we thought of possible ways to make it better. Some people might not like having sausage instead of a beef burger. Next time, maybe we will try and make it with a beef patty and just add Italian seasoning, garlic, and onions instead! 

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