Monday, February 25, 2013

Lab 3: Éclairs

Describe the process of making éclairs.
First, I made the dough in a medium saucepan. After it formed into a ball, I took it off heat and began to add the eggs. I put that in the oven and then started to work on the filling. I prepared my ingredients for the filling and then mixed it with my butterscotch pudding mix, because I did not have any vanilla at home. I filled the shells of the pastry after I took it out of the oven. I then melted chocolate with butter, confectioner’s sugar, and vanilla and poured it on top of the éclairs.

What are the various parts?
There was the dough, the filling, and the chocolate sauce.

What is unique about the dough (pate achoux)?
It was first cooked on top of the stove to form the dough and then baked in the oven.

What would you do differently next time?
I would use a pastry bag to pour the éclairs out on the pan so it would be smoother!

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